Commentary Search

  • HARB Celebrates National Vietnam War Veterans Day

    Today, there are many Vietnam veterans all around us. You could be standing next to a Vietnam Veteran right here at the Homestead Air Reserve Base, Florida. Maybe at the Base Exchange or anywhere out in the local community surrounding the base. Most of those local area Air Force Vietnam veterans in

  • 'Thanks for all your hard work over the past year'

    Heroes of the Air Force Reserve:Last month marked my first anniversary as commander of this amazing organization. It has been an incredibly busy year.My focus is taking care of our Reserve Citizen Airmen and their families while ensuring we continue to provide robust capability to the joint force. I

  • From the Top: Passing the Torch

    The ending of any assignment is bittersweet, and the end of this one is no different. As I prepare to transition into the next phase with my family, I am excited but also a bit sad. We have accomplished so much together over the last four years, and it will be hard to leave the incredible people and

  • Commander announces Family Day, issues thank you message

    First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for their hard work at the change of command ceremony this past September. The setting and the hospitality me and my family received was superb.My friends and family still comment on how well the ceremony was done, especially my 94-year-old aunt who mentioned

  • Finding, keeping focus on the motivation to quit smoking

    "I can smell it, and it makes me nauseous," he said. "I can't kiss you or even be around you. This has to stop."That was the exact moment I knew it was time to get serious about quitting smoking. When my husband and I were in the dating stages of our relationship, I was trying, unsuccessfully, to

  • Be smart: Alcohol and the holidays

    Did you know you could take a limo and drink champagne all the way to the fanciest hotel in town, stagger into the best suite and still not spend as much as you would for a DUI?DUIs are a common topic among Airmen today. Many man-hours are spent attending safety briefings, mandatory educational

  • Veterans Day message

    Veterans Day, purposely set aside to remember the sacrifices and service of our nation's veterans and it is a special day indeed. We honor the men and women who have valiantly and selflessly devoted themselves to something greater than themselves - The United States of America, the greatest republic