The Visitor Control Center is located at building 901 next to main gate.
Phone number: (786) 415-7222
Hours of operation: Monday – Friday 0800 – 1600, UTA Saturday only 0800 - 1600
Email: 482SFS.Visitor.Center@us.af.mil
“Skip the line! Pre-enroll for Base Passes”
Instead of physically coming to visitor control center (VCC), sponsors may obtain a DVES Pass via email. Information must be submitted no later than 3 business days prior to the start date of the visitor’s pass.
Steps on how to obtain a pass:
1. Sponsor or guest will pre-enroll on DBIDS (DBIDS Pre-Enrollment (https://dbids-global-enroll.dmdc.mil/preenrollui/#!/) to obtain a QR code unique to the visitor (one per guest).
2. Sponsor will email the “Pre-Check Form”, the QR code from step 1, and front and back of visitors “REAL ID COMPLIANT ID” to the VCC’s org box or in-person to building 901.
3. VCC will conduct a background check.
4. When cleared for entry, visitor pass will be created and emailed to sponsor.
5. Visitors will present the “Visitor Pass” with the real ID compliant ID to the gate guard for base access.
*Must be U.S. citizen to gain access to installation*
Visitors Pre-Check Form
DOD Installation Access Guidelines
DVES Virtual Pass Procedures