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  • App for military resources available to service members, families

    The purpose of Military OneSource is to put as many resources as possible in one place, so people have an easier time finding what they need, said Erika Slaton, Military Community Support Programs associate director. The app makes it more convenient when users are away from their computers and are

  • Air Force Aid Society launches new enhancements to its mobile budget app

    The initial version of the AFAS Budget Builder App was launched in 2018 and was created primarily as a budgeting tool to help Airmen and their families improve how they save and budget their money each month. Prior to the Budget Builder App, AFAS provided paper check registers to Airmen and other

  • AFH1 phone app available now on Apple and Google Play

    The AFH1 app includes the “The Air Force Handbook 1,” and study guide, as well as Air Force Instruction 36-2618, The Enlisted Force Structure, known as the “The Little Brown Book.” There is also access to the “The Little Blue Book” which focuses on the profession of arms. Other tools such as flash