Aug. 30, 2019 US Space Command establishment ceremony launches new era of space superiority capabilities The USSPACECOM establishment will accelerate the United States’ space capabilities to address rapidly evolving threats to U.S. space assets and the importance of deterring potential adversaries from putting critical U.S. space systems at risk.
Oct. 17, 2017 Don’t get reeled in on a Phishing scam: The IRS does not accept gift cards for payment Many of us believe we’re too clever to fall for a phishing scam. However, scammers today have gotten good. Their tricks now go far beyond the “Nigerian prince” letter asking you for money.
Feb. 16, 2017 AF begins migrating email to cloud-based system in 2017 The dreaded “your mailbox is full” message is soon to be a thing of the past under a recent directive by the Air Force Space Command to realign resources to more critical priorities and outsourcing services like email.