HOMESTEAD AIR RESERVE BASE, Fla. -- Even if you are living in a cave on a deserted island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, you would probably still hear about inflation, the cost of fuel, and the increased difficulty of finding affordable housing. Those topics are on the mind of many right now.
One might think it’s a good idea to sit down and revise your budget. Before you do that, you may want to meet with your personal financial counselor. And yes, you, as a Reservist, have one.
“Budgets are for corporations, spending plans are for people,” said Schane Coker, 482nd Fighter Wing personal financial counselor. “It’s about the people, not the account”
Coker brings a refreshing view to personal finances. He doesn’t speak about money, budgets, and investments in general terms.
He talks about how it all applies to the individual. When asked a question about personal finances, Coker starts asking his own questions to get to the specifics of the individual’s financial concerns. After a few minutes of speaking with Coker, it becomes very clear that he gives advice tailored to the individual.
“The first step to helping someone is to find the why,” Coker said.
The “why” that he is referring to is a goal that needs to be detailed.
“It’s been my experience that military members often don’t know the ‘why,’” he said. “They’re usually thinking about what they can do for others and not themselves. I’m able help with that, I can help find a goal and show how it can be achieved.”
Someone can be a total financial blank slate when they meet Coker. He will ask all the necessary questions to help find an objective and perform forensic accounting to find out if there are issues with spending.
Coker said he is committed to improving financial literacy and the knowledge and application of various financial skills.
“Buying your first house, retirement, Thrift Savings Plan, credit manage, I can help people understand all of that,” Coker said.
Counseling is confidential and available to Airman and those living in their household.
You can contact Coker to schedule an appointment at