DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty For all DD Forms 214/215 questions for Regular Air Force, member must contact the Air Force Personnel Center. ELIGIBILITY FOR GUARD AND RESERVE MEMBERS: ■ Airman must have completed 90 continuous calendar days or more of active duty or active duty for training (ADT), or their initial active duty training tour (IADT) ■ If Airman was ordered to active duty in the event of a national emergency or war in support of a contingency operation, Airman will be issued a DD Form 214 regardless of the number of days served RESPONSIBILITIES: HQ ARPC creates DD Forms 214 for the following: ■ ALL IMA Reservists ■ All previously Separated or Retired ANG and AFR members ■ ALL Unit assigned ANG and AFR members retiring on AGR orders ■ ALL ANG and AFR members retiring due to a Permanent Disability Retired List (PDRL) or Temporary Disability Retired List (TDRL) ■ ALL Congressional and BCMR inquiries received by ARPC for ANG or AFR members ■ ALL DD Forms 215 requests for ANG and AFR members. Units should not be creating DD Forms 215. Submit request through VPC HQ AFPC creates the following DD Forms 214: ■ HQ (above wing level) AFR AGR/ANG Statutory Tour (STAT) members separating or retiring Base MPS creates the following DD Forms 214: ■ ALL unit assigned ANG and AFR DD Forms 214 other than an Active Duty Retirement or PDRL/TDRL or IMAs ■ ALL ANG unit assigned members that are being released from Active Duty Title 10 or 32 Orders ■ ALL AFR unit assigned members that are being released from Active Duty Title 10 Orders ■ ALL Discharges with Severance Pay DD Forms 214 for unit assigned ANG and AFR members Airman’s responsibilities to provide the following documents (as applicable): ■ Title 10 or Title 32 orders (whichever is applicable) ■ COMPLETED Travel Vouchers from the FSO ■ SIGNED AND DATED Decorations, EPRs/OPRs LOEs, 475s ■ School Certificates ■ DD Form 4 ■ AF Forms526 (for DD Forms 214 prior to 2001, in most cases ARPC can pull these from ARMS) Exceptions: If the member is separated, discharged or retired, the request can be submitted through myPers, e-mail, via fax, or by mail ■ myPers: https://mypers.af.mil ■ E-mail: tfsc_2@mypersmail.af.mil ■ FAX: (478) 327-2215 ■ Mail: HQ ARPC/DPTSC 18420 E Silver Creek Ave Bldg 390 MS 68 Buckley AFB, CO 80011 If you have any questions please call us at 1 (800) 525-0102, Option 3